packer -S mint-x-icons mint-backgrounds-olivia
pacman -S lxpanel
2) Open: Applications > Preferences > Customize Look and Feel. Set icon theme to Mint-X.
3) Now open file /root/.start and disable (put # before):
cwp, tint2 and conky
and make two additions spacefm --desktop and lxpanel
/root/.start will look something like
Code: Select all
/etc/init.d/hwclock start &
#cwp --last &
spacefm --desktop &
setxkbmap bs -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp &
numlockx on &
xset b off &
volumeicon &
mpg123 /usr/share/audio/login.mp3 &
sleep 1s
#tint2 &
lxpanel &
sleep 2s
(if [ ! "$(pidof notify-osd)" ]; then /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd; fi)&
#conky &
sleep 7s
rdate -s
Click Logout from the Openbox right click menu.
4) When X server starts new session, spacefm will manage desktop and lxpanel will replace tint2. Now right click on desktop will show spacefm preferences menu. Choose desktop settings and under wallpaper settings navigate to directory /usr/share/backgrounds/linuxmint-olivia and set linux_mint_15.png as your wallpaper.
5) Next, right click on lxpanel, then under panel settings go to appearance and set use system theme. Under tab advanced set logout command to wmlogout. You can right click any item from lxpanel menu and choose Add to desktop.
