1) Download the .deb file from the official site: http://www.compilgames.net/ .
2) Extract the files from the .deb then from data.tar with 7zip (preferred) or use:
Code: Select all
#ar -x /*.deb
tar -Jxf /data.tar.xz
3) then copy the files from /data/opt/ and /data/usr/ to /opt/ and /usr/ respectively.
4)You will have to install a few dependencies like webkitgtk and something else
5) And because i was running my distro on VirtualBox, OpenGL wasnt working well, to fix the OpenGL problem you will need to edit "opt\game-develop\StartGameDevelop.sh\" to:
Code: Select all
i forgot what other dependencies, but if you dont already have it installed there will be an error in the terminal when you run it. search for the file that it says is missing on google and you will find what package you need to install.