How to: Run GTK+ programs under Wayland

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How to: Run GTK+ programs under Wayland

Postby simargl » 06 Nov 2013, 18:41

1) make sb bundle with needed packages: paste this inside terminal

Code: Select all

makesb weston gnome-themes-standard gnome-icon-theme

2) answer y to load bundle, or just press Enter (yes is default)

3) type command:

Code: Select all

export GDK_BACKEND=wayland

4) start weston compositor

Code: Select all


5) now click on terminal icon in weston panel and run some GTK3 applications like: emendo, evince etc.

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Re: How to: Run GTK+ programs under Wayland

Postby efgee » 07 Feb 2014, 21:41

Wayland might become the primary display server and replacing X on several distros in 2014.
My understanding is that it will provide a snappier experience than X, which is nice if true.
However, did not find any hint on the internet if Openbox will run on Wayland (without xwayland).

It is my understanding that GTK3 has Wayland support and so does Gnome 3 (Gnome 3 runs on Mutter...).
Why I'm telling this?
Well Gnome 3 surely does not match alphaOS vision (being lean etc.) but if alphaOS wants to make use of Wayland in the future (and if Openbox will not be ported) alphaOS needs to find another lean solution.
Maybe I found it.

The other day I was looking through the internet to see what the former SolusOS founder (Ikey) is up-to nowadays, and I found this:
Budgie Desktop integrates with the GNOME stack, providing a powerful yet traditional desktop using modern techniques and technology.
The core components are (besides libmutter):
budgie-wm: This is a simple wrapper around libmutter, which is used by GNOME Shell. We use it to manage our windows, customize animations and provide a wallpaper of your choice.
budgie-panel: A traditional panel that currently sits at the bottom of the screen. Future versions will enable users to use 3rd party plugins to extend their panel experience to suit their needs.
budgie-session: Simply bootstraps the components of the desktop to get you working straight away. Does nothing more than launch gnome-settings-daemon, the window manager and the panel.

Not saying this is the way alphaOS has to go!
Posting it here in order to save this information.
Just in case...

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Re: How to: Run GTK+ programs under Wayland

Postby pinkrosi » 24 Nov 2014, 09:14

couldn't get mkisofs to work with UEFI, so added xorriso and required dependencies. Packages changed:
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Re: How to: Run GTK+ programs under Wayland

Postby Scooby » 24 Nov 2014, 15:47

pinkrosi wrote:couldn't get mkisofs to work with UEFI, so added xorriso and required dependencies. Packages changed:

So can you boot alphaos under UEFI now?

if so please explain the steps achieving this

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Re: How to: Run GTK+ programs under Wayland

Postby pjezek » 01 Mar 2016, 00:18

Isn't it better to switch to a light DE (LXDE/LXQT), both now prepared for wayland? WM from XFce4 looks simply applicable. Openbox way to Wayland is too long and too unclear...

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Re: How to: Run GTK+ programs under Wayland

Postby Scooby » 01 Mar 2016, 19:41

I'm not sure about that

Will have to think thoroughly about it

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